: LoKer SumSel Terbaru PT. Pos Logistik Indonesia Agustus 2023

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PT. Pos Logistik Indonesia saat ini membutuhkan karyawan dengan posisi sebagai berikut :

Posisi :
Sales & Account Executive

Kualifikasi :
1. Have at least one year of experience as a salesperson in a logistics company
2. Have a passion for sales
3. Have experience managing accounts in the system for the enterprise sales workflow
4. Have good communication and negotiation skills
5. Accustomed to working with targets
6. Seek and build relationships with B2B customers
7. Urgently needed for Sumatera Selatan, Lampung, Jambi & Bangka
8. Open position throughout Indonesia (Area Kalimantan, Area Maluku, Area Nusa Tenggara & Bali, Area Maluku, Area Papua, Area sulawesi, Area Sumatera, dan Area Jawa)
Note : Loker ini di POST oleh

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PT. Pos Logistik Indonesia
Subject Email : AE_SumSel
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Note : Loker ini di POST tanggal 23 Agustus 2023
Tag : S1, SumSel
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